Thursday, May 14, 2009

2009 Parade & Picnic

Cole's School had it's parade and picnic the first week of May. Matt was out of town fishing so me and the kids went. Cole rode on the float and threw candy. Mya and I followed behind. The parade went from Church to Blanchette Park, where there were food and game booths set up. Stacy and Sam and Linda and Savannah met us at the park and enjoyed lunch with us.
I remember when I used to march in the parade. Hard to believe my kids are now in the parade Makes me feel old!!
The costumes they kids wore.
Cole's teacher made Mya feel special
she gave her some beads like the other kids were wearing.
Getting ready to go!
The Little Ambassadors of Christ!
Getting ready to throw some candy!
I think he is having fun!
Mya was so interested in all the people on the street waching us.
Mya and Cole when we were done with the parade.
The May Pole
Linda & Savannah enjoying a hotdog with us!
Mya, Stacy, Sam & Cole enjoying lunch!
The kids had fun running back and forth.


Anonymous said...

I don't ever remember riding on a float. We just had to hold onto those stupid knotted ropes

Uncle Scott

jen110301 said...

I know me either. I think they were tired of listening to the kids complain halfway there that their legs hurt!