Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Caramel Apples

Let the dipping begin
Daddy dipped the caramel

Cole added the topping

Cole also did quality control


Monday, October 29, 2007

Getting ready for Halloween

This weekend we got ready for Halloween Matt and the kids (Cole) carved our pumpkin and then made homemade caramel apples yummy!! Pictures from our day!

Mya poses with our pumpkin

Mya supervises daddy and Cole's pumpkin carving!

Who needs a spoon!

Now for a scary face

Great Job!!!

All this work is so tiring!

Mya Poses with a pumpkin just her size

Sneak Peak

Here is a sneak peak of Mya in her Halloween costume. She is going to be a Pink leopard... She looks so darn cute. I will take more pictures of Mya and Cole on Halloween and share them in a few days. For now enjoy the sneak peak!!

Mya trying on her Halloween costume!

Mya 8 Weeks

Mya went the the Doctor on Thursday for her 2 month check up and to get 4 shots.
Here are her stats...

Weight: 12 lbs
Height: 22 1/4
She is in the 90th percentile for her weight and 75 percentile for her height.
She is growing like a weed and changing daily she is starting to give us "real smiles" the past week she has been pretty much sleeping through the night well at least what I consider sleeping through the night she goes to bed about 11:30 and is waking at about 5:00 or 5:30am for a bottle and then right back to bed to sleep until 8:00 or so that works for us. She is good baby.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Puppy Love

This past weekend the guys went fishing so me and the kids hung out with Sam & Aunt Stacy. Sam loves Monty and has learned to give kisses so here he is giving Monty a big kiss!! Too Cute!!

Mya Pictures

Kisses from Monty

Just hanging out

Cole trying to give Mya her bottle he is such a great
Big Brother

Power Ranger Cole

Cole has quite the imagination he can take anything he finds and turns it into whatever he needs it to be a helmet, cape etc. Here are some pictures of him all dressed up. He said he was a Power Ranger I am not even sure he really knows who or what they are I have never turned them on for him to watch on TV. I think the kids at school play Power Rangers. He is so funny I love seeing him use his imagination.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Two By Two...

Last week Thursday Cole had his first party at school it was "Noah's Ark Party". The kids made animal masks and dressed up for a parade through the school to look for the Ark. After the parade they ate a snack, played a game of bean bag toss and made a puppet. It was cute I was lucky to spend the morning with Cole's class.

Cole was a pig
Waiting patiently for everyone to get on their costumes

Lining up for the parade

Group Pictures

Thursday, October 18, 2007

7 Weeks

Mya is 7 weeks today she is changing daily. She started being a little more alert. Still working on sleeping through the night. She does go almost 5 hours. Enjoy the pictures from our day.

She was working on a smile

I am sure she is thinking Mom just stop wit the camera already!! Sorry just can't resist!

She does cry not often but this is her not so happy!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

All by himself...

Don't worry we did not let him go anywhere dressed like this... He wanted to go down stairs with his daddy to workout and I told him he needed to get dressed first and this is what he put on all by himself. Note the slippers he says are his "baseball cleats" he has such and imagination. He was so proud of himself.

First Smiles

The pictures are kinda blurry but we finally caught a smile!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

It's a tradition every year we get together with our friends and take our kids to the pumpkin patch. This year we went to Rombachs it was a little chilly and wet but the kids had fun. Enjoy the snap shots from our day.

Cole and Mya

I love this picture of Cole catching bubbles

Mya & Daddy
Mya's first trip to the Pumpkin patch
She Slept of course

Cole wanted his picture taken here he was posing!

Love this picture Cole looks like such a big kid!

Sam's first trip to the pumpkin patch

Jack & Cole

Ellie Jacks little sister

Mady & her mommy

There was an old Firetruck and the kids had a blast climbing on it