Thursday, January 31, 2008

Finally Last of Christmas

So I know it is February tomorrow but I finally got a moment to finish posting the rest of Christmas. I will try to post more when I get time from the past few weeks.

Click to play Huster Christmas 2007
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Falling behind

Ok so I was doing good keeping up with my blog, well all good things sometimes come to an end. As some of you may or may not know I am now a officially a "working girl". I am now babysitting and this week was my first week. So far I have only taken on one little girl but I think it is a good test. She is 15 months and a pretty good little girl. I think we are getting along fairly well.

The kids are doing ok they have been sick pretty much since I don't remember. Cole has been coughing and had a snotty nose since before Christmas. He is on his 2nd dose of antibiotics, steroids and an inhaler so hopefully we can finally nip it in the butt! Mya well she is another story. She is doing good now but a few weeks ago while I was trying to get the house ready for babysitting she was being extra crabby and would cry for hours at a time and nothing would sooth her. So I had to take her to the dr. and at the time they found nothing wrong with her. I knew I was not crazy but I just figured it was a faze, then 4 days later I got a call from the dr. and she had a urinary tract infection so they think. She was then treated with antibiotics. I think she is better she is definitely not crying for hours. I guess now we just wait for the next sickness and I am sure that there will be more sickness before the winter is over.

I have been taking lots of pictures so there are lots to upload....

Here are some pictures from the month!

Ahoy there mate!

I think she is going to be a gymnast!

She was so tired she passed out in her jumper roo!
Cardinal Mya? Cole was just "loaning" her is hat!!

Teddy Bear picnic

Just hanging out... Cole still asks daily to have his picture taken with
"baby Girl" that is what he calls her it is so cute!

me and my babies!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Christmas Morning 2007

Here are some highlights of Christmas morning...

Cole checking out his stocking
Mya's 1st Baby Doll from Santa
she looks excited!

Santa brought Cole his Power Rangers Helmet & sword of course

Now he can be a knight too!

Mya enjoying her new toys too!

Of course there was more gifts & pictures, but that would take me until next year to add those photos so I added just a few.

Friday, January 11, 2008

A look at 2007

I know I am not finished blogging the rest of Christmas, but I got this finished first so enjoy.

Click to play The+year+in+Review
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Christmas Eve

So I tried this Smilebox thing see what you think

Click to play Christmas+Eve+2007
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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Christmas to be continued

I have more pictures from our days of Christmas I will post again very soon.

More Christmas

Christmas at Grandma Husters on the 23rd... We were lucky to have Santa come for a visit. The kids enjoyed the visit, I think even the adults got in on the fun. Grandma even got to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what a good girl she has been this year! Enjoy the pictures. There are a lot of pictures it was too hard to pick and choose so I posted most of them.

Eating Black Olives (he's my kid)

Luke sits with Great Grandma

Santa likes to hear the kids sing before passing out the presents

Cole got a very cool pirate set from Santa and
him and his cousin Josh played all night long!

Cole has a chat with Santa about listening to Mommy & Daddy
Even Grandma sits on Santa's lap

Mya got a baby doll from Santa she just loves!

Luke had to take a rest this
Christmas stuff wears a kid out.
But not for long...

Now I am ready to go!!!!

Sam also had to take a rest.

Luke shows his Mommy and Mya his singing Frog

Mya just being cute.

Spending time with Cousins

Cousin Luke spent the evening hanging out with us while his mommy and daddy went out with some friends. It was fun spending time with Luke we don't get much one on one time since he lives in Chicago. Luke explored and enjoyed puttering behind Cole. Sam also came to hang out he cannot wait to walk and keep up with his older cousins. Won't be long.

Enjoying some Pizza!
These two love to eat!

Sam is such a ham he loves to pose for pictures

Christmas at Cindy's

1st of Many Christmas Parties

Cole and Zoe anxiously await the arrival of Santa!!

Sam not sure about all this Christmas Stuff

Santa arrives!

They just can't wait!!

Cole, Santa & Mya

Please don't forget I really want a "Power Rangers Helmet" and a Sword!
Oh yeah and something nice for the sister.

Christmas 2007 Mya & Max

For those that do not know the uniqueness of this picture Mya & Max are a week apart and the picture below Cole & Zoe are a day apart it is pretty cool. Zoe & Max are our good friends from the baby sitters.

Christmas 2004 Cole and Zoe
Can you believe they were once this little?

Santa Mya & Max Cole & Zoe

Sam & Santa