Tuesday, January 27, 2009

As Seen on TV

Cole is a huge fan of infomercials and he can tell you all about most of them word for word (he may watch too much TV). His favorite are the Pancake Puff maker & the Snuggie with the free book light. When those commercials come on he will stop whatever he is doing to watch and then he will tell you all about them and he never forgets to let you know that these items are not found in stores. A few weeks ago Cole got a Pancake Puff Maker from Grandma Huster he was pretty excited. Cole wanted to know how she was able to get her hands on this wonderful invention. Stating that the Pancake Puffmaker is not sold in stores... Of course we had to try it out that night. Good thing grandma was thinking and brought us some Jiffy mixes. They are pretty yummy but I am not so sure they are as easy to do as they say on the commercial. As I said previously he also likes the Snuggie with the free book light. For Christmas he got a Snuggie. I think he was more excited for the Snuggie than for some super hero's. It could have been the free book light (even thought he cannot read) that he was super excited for but either way he uses his snuggie when he watches TV looking for the next thing that will make his life easier.

Look how excited he is.
Snuggie fits all sizes

1 comment:

Cameron Denison said...

How did I miss this! Wow... You'll love the video, but don't let the Kiddo's watch!