Monday, November 10, 2008

Greatest Show on Earth...

Saturday Matt & I took Cole & Mya to the circus. The kids lasted through the whole thing this time. The Barnum and Baily circus moves a little faster than the Shriners. Mya was so cute every time the animals would come out she would get so excited and ooo and ah. Cole was pretty excited and kept saying this circus is better than the last one...I think he was more excited for the goodies. It was a nice family event.

Some of the pictures are kinda blurry with the lighting and action it was hard to get a good picture.
Enjoying his hot dog!!
Mya takes it all in.

The elephants

This was totally freaky these two climbed these poles that moved and then stood on top of them and moved them back and forth. Cole kept covering his face. I myself was freaked out. I had a knot in my stomach watching them. They must get paid well to climb a pole and stand on top of it... what would make a person think this is fun and should be their career? At the end of the act they slid down the pole upside down. Nuts I tell you!!!
I don't think this looks like much fun!
The Clowns.
This was kinda crazy also spinning around
on these wheels and standing on top of them.

This Man is being shot out of a cannon....

I imagine it is hard for them to get insurance.

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