Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cole and his Halloween Costume

Cole got his Halloween costume the other night. After much deliberation he has decided to be Wolverine. This could change since we let him try it on. He will probably wear it out before Halloween get's here. We probably should have waited until it got closer to Halloween but he was so excited to pick out his costume. Mya is going to be a ladybug but she does not really like playing dress up so we will have to get pictures of her costume on Halloween.


Anonymous said...

Cole is looking like a super hero in this Halloween costume.

Sherri said...

Thanks for the school picture. (Who knew I had so much power) Tell Cole that Aunt Sherri thinks his super hero suit is sooo cool. (are you sure he doesn't snnk out at night and fight bad guys?)
Love he blog as you guys.