Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I have been so bad at this blogging thing again. We as a family have been so busy. I am still taking lots of pictures. I will post as many of them as I can. The pictures may be out of order.

He still love's his baby sister.

Cole tries so hard to get her to play with him. If Mya could she would. She really does love to watch him and gives him great big smiles when he comes into the room. She even tries to carry on a conversation with him.

I just love this picture. She is getting so big....
Mya is growing so fast. I need to catch everyone up on some of her firsts.
  • She can roll over both ways.
  • She eats cereal, veggies & fruit (she really likes the fruit especially bananas).
  • She can blow raspberries... her favorite thing to do while eating.
  • She is can sit unassisted for a short time.
  • She laughs out loud and Jabbers.
  • Reaches for objects.
  • She has 2 bottom teeth they broke through the week before she turned 6 months. (I am trying to get a picture but she rarely will let me see them.
  • Stranger/separation anxiety she does not like it when I leave the room. I guess that is a downfall of being a stay at home mom. The plus to being at home is that I am getting to witness a lot of the first as she accomplishes them.

Here Mya is telling me what an alligator says. Mya learned this while she was watching me and the little girl I babysit practice our animal sounds. Mya was laughing and I looked down and she was clapping her hands together as we were doing it. (In case you are wondering what an alligator says, it is a clap). I have video I just cannot seem to get it to load.

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