Sunday, July 22, 2007

Lake of the Ozarks Vacation 2007

We just got home from vacation yesterday and we have ton's of pictures from the week. We had good time just relaxing. The weather was hot but that just made it necessary to go to the pool. We pretty much just stayed at the resort went swimming, ate and fished and watched Cole play baseball. Of course we brought Cole's baseball gear he won't let us leave home with out it. Enjoy the pictures...

Cole warming up with a little fielding Practice.

This week Cole got very brave. He started jumping off the side of the pool and letting his head go under and swimming a short distance.

Cole jumping in from the side!!! (too fast to catch)


After a little swimming Cole and Daddy thought they would try a little fishing before dinner. Cole sat for a brief moment trying to catch a fish but he had baseball on his mind!! He did catch a fish but because he was patient!!!

I wish I was playing baseball!!

Cole catches his first fish!!! Daddy took it off the hook.

I know you can't tell but daddy put the fish in the grass so Cole could get a closer look at his fish!!

Two Monkeys Jumping on the Bed...

Uncle Jeff thought he needed to "teach" Cole how to jump on the bed (Aunt Jan's Bed)

Let me try!!

Waiting patiently!

Cole waiting patiently for Aunt Jan to finish her coffee so she could play baseball with him!!

Finally Cole got to play ball!

Another Day at the pool playing with daddy.

Cole thought he would give the fishing thing another try with Uncle Jeff.

POKER anyone!!

Once it got dark Cole had to find other things to do so he thought he would try poker. Aunt Jan, Great Grandma and Carrie showed Cole how to play poker (left/right/center a dice game).

Cole bringing in a big pot.

More Vacation to come in the next posts!!!

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