Sunday, October 25, 2009

Butterfly House

Cole's first day of school was a half day, and since I had the day off,
I wanted to take the kids to do something special.
I took the kids to the Butterfly House for the afternoon.
It was nice to spend time just me and my kids.

The indoor Carousel

Cole's 1st Day of Kindergarten

Cole started Kindergarten this year. I took the day off so I could take him his first day. He is such a well adjusted little boy. Cole was excited about school he went right in to his new class gave me a hug and said see you in a little while. I did not cry when I left because I knew he was happy to be there.
Pancakes for breakfast.
Mya joined him.
Our first day of School picture.
He is so big!
Mya is so proud of her big brother.


The day after the Chicken Fry the Denison's invited us to the river with them.
It was great to spend the afternoon relaxing.
It was a great time can't wait till next summer to hopefully do it again.
Thanks again Denison's for taking us a long.
Cole's boat he drew in the sand.
Playing in the sand
Cole and Savannah had fun splashing in the river.
Mya decided she would try the water,
but only came in a little ways.
she splashed a little bit
Look at that tan boy!!
Havin a snack
Cole even got to drive Cameron's boat.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Huster Family Chicken Fry

In August Grandma Huster had her annual Chicken Fry. There was lot's of fried chicken, salads and of course homemade ice cream. Uncle Les gave tractor rides and there was even a pinata. Everyone had a lot of fun. This year for old time sakes, us cousins decided to play a game of Flag War/capture the flag. We used to play when we were younger. We played In-law vs Out laws. The In-laws won of course since the Out-laws quit : ) We had a lot of fun running back and forth between Grandmas house and my mom's it was like the old days. We all might have been a little sore the next day but there were no major injuries to report. Can't wait till next year maybe there will be a rematch.
Mya & Savannah enjoying fried chicken.
the Great Grand Children (well some of them)
Mya & Carrie
Linda, Susan, JenniferMya, Savannah, Sam & Aubrey
Uncle Les gettin ready for the tractor rides.
waiting for the tractor.
Savannah & Sam

Saying Good Bye

We had to say good bye to a good friend in early August. Monty got really sick with Kidney failure and we had to have him put to sleep. He is deeply missed, but no longer suffering.