Saturday, February 23, 2008


Happy birthday to my brother Jeff and my Sister-in-law Pam.
Hope you both have very Happy Birthdays!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Baby Safe Feeder

Ok in case some of you are wondering what this thing is that Mya is chewing on, it is a Baby Safe Feeder. It is a netted bag with a handle that you can put fruits, vegetables and other yummy snacks in for teething or just to prevent choking of solid food. I think the concept is absolutely gross in fact it gags me watching her chew on it. I always walked pass them in the store and swore I would never buy one. Well last weekend while out to dinner I changed my mind. Mya sat watching us eat and reaching for my food. I thought I would let her take a lick on my French fries well one lick and she was wanting the whole thing she grabbed a hold of my hand so I would not take it away and began to practically eat the whole thing. I decided to check into these Baby Safe Feeders so Mya could safely taste other foods. She absolutely loves this thing!! The other night I put a banana in it she sucked on it for 20-30 min and cried when I took it away. It is the funniest thing to watch. They are pretty messy but it keeps her happy. She knows what that thing is and gets very excited when she sees me bringing it to her. Mya has had bananas , carrots and ice in her Baby Safe Feeder.

So I guess you should never say never...

Both hands and eying me so I do NOT take it away!!


Down for the count...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Welcome Baby Boy Huster


Congratulations to Scott, Kathy & Luke on the arrival of their newest addition.

Benjamin Lee Huster
Wednesday February 20, 2008
8lbs 9oz 21.5 in Long

Monday, February 18, 2008

Snow Days

It was a snow day me and the kidos just hung out and watched it snow.

Cole and Mya just hanging out Mya is borrowing his "squishy bear"!

Cole checking out the snow!

All bundled up to help daddy shovel the driveway.
He looks like a tick about to pop!!

Cole and Daddy building a snowman

Cole's Snowman
Snow Angels with Dad



Mya rolled over for the first time Monday February 11, 2008. She was not to happy I think she wanted to know who put her on her belly!! She has been a rolling fool she now rolls pretty much every time she gets on the floor. She has rolled from her belly to her back, but only once. She rolled over in her crib the other night and got so very mad.

I know it is a little past but At the end of December Mya also had her first taste of cereal. I took the picture but I don't thing I ever posted it so here it is sorry if I posted this twice. Since this Mya has moved on to bigger and better things Veggies and now some fruits.

She ate it all!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Happy Birthday Sam

My Godson Sam turned one on January 16th. So hard to believe! Here are some pictures from his party!!
Sam eating some birthday cake. He was a pro at it since this was his 3rd party.
Opening his gifts
Playing with his new toys with Mady & Ellie

This was Mya before Sam's party. I thought she looked too cute with her bow.
I can't wait for her to get more hair so I can put it up!!
For now bows on top of the head will have to do!

Visit to Grandma Haydon's

Some pictures from our visit to Grandma & Grandpa Haydon's a couple weekends ago. Cole & the other kids where there but they were to busy having a good time playing down stairs, to snap pictures.

Mya & Grandma Haydon
Talkin with Uncle Mike

Girl Talk with Aunt Pam
Mya love's Grandmas puppies.