Monday, January 19, 2009

Bit's and Pieces

I am falling behind again. I know the holidays are over but I have lots of pictures from the last few weeks, including more Christmas.... This post is just random. Bear with me while I get caught up!
Mya Chilling out in her new chair.

Mya loves Mash taters...
Mya's new outfit for Aunt Stacy (Boots from Grandma)
Mya's new house. It takes up half my dining room
But she loves it!


Stacey said...

The Rose Petal Cottage is a favorite at my house, too. Santa brought Ash one last year and it has been hours and hours of fun!

Linda Denison said...

When we are getting ready in the morning and I tell Savannah she is going to Jenny's, she says "playhouse"??? It is a BIG hit for everyone apparently!