Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Short Visit

We had a short visit with the Husters. Scott & Kathy and the kids came in for Devon and Melissa's wedding. Kathy sang for the wedding she did a beautiful job as always! Luke was not feeling well over the weekend so I was not able to get pictures of Luke. Hope he is feeling better.

Ben chilling out with Uncle Matt
ahhh Mya love's her cousin Ben
Cole was cracking Ben up.
Cole & Ben
Aunt Kathy & Mya
(I let Cole have my camera not to bad)
Mya playing with Uncle Scott
Mya will clime into anything she cleaned out
Maggie's (the dog) toys and climbed in.
What a silly girl!


Luke's parents said...

i'm glad someone is documenting the cousins...i didn't get a single picture of anyone while we were down there. i'll try to do better at Thanksgiving!

jen110301 said...

You were a little busy... I wish Luke was feeling better so I would have gotten some pictures of him.

see you all soon